PAC-MAN Touaments is another pac-man from the official developers. Surely you have a question: “How is this game different from the original Pac-Man?” Yes, actually, nothing, it’s still the same everyone’s favorite Pac-Man, deliciously and quickly devouring the same white dots. The only rummy circle 24x7 feature of this modern interpretation is that the levels in the game are an order of magnitude higher and they are all interesting and unique. In all other respects, it’s a classic arcade game in its purest form. Choose the most convenient control for yourself (joystick or slides) and go devour white dots, simultaneously collecting cherries and magic pills with which you can eat ghosts.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 41.19 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUsers under 13 (under 16 in Europe) can now enjoy Classic PAC-MAN!Additional bugs fixed.Update history-----
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